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Take the mat or my father will electrocut me video goes viral on social

Take the mat for God's sake or my father will electrocute me video goes viral on social media The crying baby cries the father electrocu...

Take the mat for God's sake or my father will electrocute me video goes viral on social media

The crying baby cries the father electrocutes the innocent child when the mat is not sold

Lahore (10bmnews latest news) Neither the earth explodes nor the sky cracks that when the stories of oppression and barbarism are money the hearts are pierced but why do not explode. Such an extreme of brutality. Maybe Saga Baap pushes his blood and his liver into the mouth of death every day and then pulls it back. While writing these words my fingers are not moving and my brain refuses to help as much as I watch the video. Tears well up in the eyes and the brain is overwhelmed with mixed emotions of grief and anger

Take a closer look at the child in the video how old he is what his childhood is what his dreams will be, but at that age when a child wants to play a game of dolls watching cartoons and watching TV. He wants to ride a small bicycle and play with a squeaky toy. What will happen to him if he is made to watch death at this age

As soon as I think of death I feel dizzy and what will happen to the innocent child who is introduced to death every day. The child seen in the video is Pathan and it is estimated that this child is from a nearby village of Abbottabad. The person who made the video of this child said that this child was sitting and crying. When I asked him why he was crying he would say that he did not have my mat. I would go home without selling the mat. My father would hit me and give me electricity. Will apply 

The video maker asked if the father is your real father or stepdaughter, then the child cried and said that he is a real father. I don't dare to write any more. You can watch the video and see for yourself how the words of a crying child can tear the liver apart.